Painting by Paul Schad-Rossa, Wikimedia

Painting by Paul Schad-Rossa, Wikimedia

Juxtaposition rarely fails to amuse me. This morning we spotted an ad in New Yorker specifically touting the retirement paradise of Merida (while also including other locations in Mexico) – after reading a rousing examination of the concept of paradise (and slavery) written by Toni Morrison, who shares some quotes from Milton’s Paradise Lost to help make her case against exclusivity – which has happily not been our experience here in Merida’s Centro Historico. Indeed, we love the peaceful blending of economic classes here. (While Morrison’s article looks grim at first encounter, her treatment of the topic of inequality may be worth pondering at this point in time.)


2 thoughts on “PARADISE EXAMINED

  1. I wish Toni Morrison well at the Hay festival, but I do not think the British audience will empathize much.
    As far as Merida is concerned, I agree that the coexistence of all classes in Centro is one of its major attractions. We have spent some time in Colonia Buena Vista and it feels isolated and culture-free by comparison — it could be almost anywhere.

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