Photo: Zuma Wire/Rex/Shutterstock

Photo: Zuma Wire/Rex/Shutterstock

Bernie, you told us you were in it to win.  Your revolutionaries got totally behind you and were ready to carry you to victory.  You coulda-shoulda called for Hillary to fold, as her team cheated with aid of an insider-helper from DNC, who resigned in embarrassment.  (Hill then re-hired the head cheater onto her team — a clear statement of her own shameless  ways.)  

You had Hillary in the cross-hairs of public scrutiny at the convention.  But you choked.  I get it that you were committed to defeating that other cheater, Trump.  But you may have over-thought third-party risk.  Hey, Abe Lincoln was a third party candidate, and he won!  We can’t have a revolution by collaborating with proven cheaters.  So sad.  I truly thought you were the one who could do it.  But maybe you just ran outta gas.  If not, it’s not to late.  You could still accept Jill Stein’s offer to head the Green Party ticket.  Please consider it.