Book review : : a divine We ?

This entry is for rationalists, atheists, and weary Christians capable of thinking outside the box; and for anyone interested in a One-Thing approach to ontology (the science of being).  Brace yourself. Fasten seat-belts: Turbulent god-language ahead.  Below I will show a screenshot of text — a pdf-page from a book first published in 1910, but the pdf is from a 1919 edition.  (Note: the book is written in the voice of a divine We – which is not the title; I wonder if it might be from an author’s “near-death experience.”) I’ve never seen a printed copy of any editions.  The book speaks of One Thing: wholeness, health, holiness — as a unity.

PHOTO by MeridaGOround

SCREENSHOT of pdf page below:

[it . . . the pages break thusly.]  If you’re a brave and open-minded student, open the pdf of the book, below in red, which is titled CHRIST IN YOU.  (This generically-Christian work seems devoid of factional Christian denominationalism.)

A personal note: I no longer sit in pews (except to honor late friends; weddings, etc).  I studied briefly in a graduate program at a nondenominational “ivy” divinity school in the early 80’s where the school provided financial support.  Without being ordained, over the years I was elected to conduct worship by two congregations, which I did for a total of nearly six years, often twice weekly — four of those years while I was daily running a commercial business with a technical staff and a retail footprint. I also did weekly nondenominational Bible study in a local prison for nearly 15 years.   I carry no brands or banners, but endeavor to wear and share the light divine, without partiality.


Further research at Library of Congress rare book collection has revealed that the book was published by Dodd, Mead, in 1919.