Geo-politics: E PLURIBUS UNUM > “from many, one” appears on the Great Seal of The United States. At the moment there does not seem to be much oneness (unity) in evidence anywhere in USA, or across the globe. Nearly half of American voters pardoned DJT for attempting to crash Congress so he could remain in office and stay out of jail! And on our currency it says “In God We Trust”. Really?
Emeritus law professor Jay Dratler comments on this lack of unity currently (“Now or Never” 04 December 2024), offering a “what-if” observation:
Can politics (many-ness) “sit down together” to become one? Well, religion and politics have much in common. Spinoza got kicked out of synagogue by Amersterdam’s chief rabbi for daring to question the concept of “chosen-ness” which he seems to have perceived as precocious-ness, instead. “Off with his head!” said the rabbi, further stipulating that no Jew was to speak with him, ever, not even his brother, who was his business partner — no room to “sit down together to solve” anything in that edict!
The central tenet of Jewish religion, the Christian religion, and the American sense of “chosen-ness” — (“a city set on a hill; an experiment in the wilderness” etc) — seem stuck in a ditch, presently. So, allow me to attempt to unpack and re-translate what I perceive as a sticking point — found originally in Deuteronomy 6:4 — (here’s my attempt, as Jacob’s new name, Israel, variously means “God-wrestler” or “God is in charge” — a pregnant reminder for us to stop quibbling, and focus! : Listen up, you who say that God is in charge: I AM is God, [ultimate good]; I AM is ONE. This One-Thing concept is key to solving our messes. Presently I’m proof-reading a lengthy piece of writing for a friend, naturalist Jim Conrad, a Nature Study Meditation, in which he considers One Thing. (I think he’s onto something vital.) I’m also re-reading an excellent book, SOCRATES: A Life Examined, by philosophy professor Luis E. Navia. (You could read the free Kindle sample on your laptop.)