There is a new provisioner in the barrio, on C.59 between Bicimoto and OXXO (x c74 y c72). Watch for the blue door, as there’s no sign yet. (They’ve relocated here from Santa Ana.)
They have a good range of hard-to-find foodstuffs, including US-grown russet potatoes, salamis and cheeses from Italy and Spain, harissa, and staples such as rye flour and semolina flour. (I’m hoping they might source my favorite potato, the Yellow Finn, now that Mexico is allowing potato imports.)
There is an espresso machine, and a seating area with four chairs and tiny table. I forgot to ask if they feature real whole milk, instead of that UHT milk (ultra -high temperature “dead milk”) which doesn’t even require refrigeration, standard in most cafés here. (Twice monthly we drive all the way to Costco to buy fresh milk for our fridge.)
Welcome to the neighborhood, guys!