“Grocery prices have skyrocketed. When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on day one.” (~DJT, Liar, Liar!).   FAIR USE: photo borrowed from Paul Krugman’s FREE Substack blog, of Feb.14, 2025.

Crowds should be throwing eggs at TrumptyDumpty and MuskOx !  But voters who put them in office deserve to be wearing the aroma of rotten eggs.  What chumps!  Q: How can you tell if those billionaire pols are lying?  A: You can see their lips moving!

In grade school (long ago) I was taught that the Dutch bought the island of Manhattan for $24 dollars-worth of “wampum” beads.  (From 1950’s to 2020’s, adjusting for inflation, maybe that’s $240 today.)  Elon MuskOx contributed over a quarter of a billion dollars to the Trump campaign, because John Roberts and The Supremes said “money is speech” and voters should have “free speech.”  RIP: One [person] / one vote!  Conclusion: Republicans sold our democracy on the cheap to a guy who has over $400 billion dollars, and chumpy voters bought that stink! 

EXTRA CREDIT:  Professor Timothy Snyder, today at his free substack THINKING ABOUT… examines the risk of hasty appeasement between Russia and Ukraine, by imagining “what if” the Chech Slavs had defended themselves against Hitler in 2938.
