Jim Conrad has written from, and lived in Mexico, off and on, for many years. One of my early delights was to visit him at his palapa near Piste on our second vacation to Yucatan, in 2010.
My friend Hammockman tells me that Jim has a new book out: TAP DANCING WITH SANDPIPERS, which can be downloaded for free. This book is an extraction of his philosophical insights which have usually appeared at the close of the weekly blogpost of his nature writing. So it’s momentous to have this work gathered together into a single digital volume. Maybe someday it will actually become a pulp edition! (If you click the topmost link above, you will see several other digital volumes written from various locations around the globe, as well. There are a few pulp books from the past, which can be found at used booksellers such as ABEbooks.com by searching on the author name Jim Conrad.) These insights are frequently transcendent. Another book, GAIACOYOTE, sorta autobiographical (a novel, scroll to bottom of linked page), is quite a hoot. These insights are frequently transcendent. If you find the writing to your liking, you might consider buying the author lunch by clicking his DONATE button. Jim lives mostly off the land – and the kindness of strangers. I believe he is ineligible to draw social security; but a happier, more fulfilled guy you will rarely meet.
Presently Jim is living in Uvalde County, Texas where he is helping to establish a nature visitors-facility on somebody’s ranch. People who might enjoy a guided tour with this colorful guy can reach him there through his blog, BackyardNature, which appears on facebook, and at the second link above. (Those who don’t use facebook, but who would like to receive a weekly installment of his nature blog directly on their desktop are invited to be in touch with me for how to receive the blogpost by email.)

Jim invites a bush to say cheese.