OBLIVION, with Tom Cruise. It’s very much a movie about working for The Machine. I won’t elaborate the story further, other than to say that the RottenTomato score is seriously off on this one, giving it only a middling rating. This is not a “dark” movie. Beautifully filmed, well-paced, solid performances. I can certainly see why Cruise bought the rights to the graphic novel from whence the story originates (considering his denominational worldview, and its origin myths) – but then, I could care less about his “theology”.
Considering the NSA revelations about our own gov’t spying on us, repeatedly lying to FISA Court, hounding journalists (“Journalism is not terrorism!”), keeping secrets under penalty of death — while citizens are denied the liberty of unbreakable encryption to secure our own private spaces — this really surpasses The Matrix, and I Robot in many respects. Stimulating storytelling.
Wake up America! — if you’re up for an honest challenge, view OBLIVION and then read WHY AMERICA FAILED by Morris Berman. Much in both products to ponder!