¿ Happy Ishtar?

Easter egg tree, photo by Andrew Poison, Wikimedia Germany

Easter egg tree, photo by Andrew Poison, Wikimedia Germany

So, where did the term Easter come from? In this form, hinting at fertility and sexuality / eggs and bunnies; it has nothing to do with Christianity!

Here in Merida, we have our own Ishtar egg tree. It’s called an annona, and it bears many large colorful custard-filled eggs. The birds love them, and so do we. They make a terrific sorbet, we learned, after giving a few away to friends. And since we did bring an ice cream maker with us, we have tried out a friend’s recipe. De-lish!

The leaves begin to drop about the time the fruit matures.

The leaves begin to drop about the time the fruit matures.

Annona. A wildly popular fruit.

Annona. A wildly popular fruit.


                                                      The fruit is delicious right off the tree.