HOLY SMOKE! Is “community” failing?


Mount Etna vortex ring. Photo by Tom Pfeiffer/Barcroft Media

Things seem so polarized! Our discourse has become so coarse. It is even palpable here in an expat community. What happens if community fails? What can we do to shore up our institutions?

I’ve asked to speak at Merida English Library as part of the ongoing Saturday morning lecture series. My talk will be happening this Saturday, (winter solstice!) December 21, about 12:30 pm. This public event is open to anyone. (Perhaps there will even be usable video for posting on youtube.) Here’s the invitation which will be rolled out early this week. I promise my presentation won’t be smarmy.

COMMUNITY: Bah, humbug?

I’m an idealist. I love community. When it flourishes, we all thrive. When it fails, we all struggle and suffer. Building a better ant hill benefits us all. I’d love to celebrate community together with you at this holiday season – with any and all who might be so inclined – on Solstice Saturday, December 21, at 12:30, at MEL – shortly after Debi Kuhn’s lecture on composting. (Debi’s will be a cool act to follow, as composting recycles that which is out of energy into that which can nourish.)

My presentation will be upbeat and positive. It will include some readings, and a sharing of thoughts and observations on how we might do community better. Afterwards, there will be an “open mic” for others to share in a similar fashion. Suggestion: bring a poem, a quote, a verse; sing us song – or, bring sheet music if you’d like us to sing along with you. Bring an instrument, or a platter of cookies to pass, or whatever might contribute to goodwill and sharing. Most importantly, bring your spontaneity and love. Ultimately community is working together. Let’s do this!

Eric Chaffee






3 thoughts on “HOLY SMOKE! Is “community” failing?

  1. That’s certainly a good topic for these times. It seems that more and more it’s every man for himself and dog eat dog. We barely acknowledge, must less help, members of our respective communities. I suppose we’ve always been like this in some way, but it just seems in the last few years to be more pronounced.

  2. Will you be in town for the event, Lee? Sorry I missed being aware that you were here recently. (I’m a haphazard blog reader; moving too fast. My wife is “the” daily reader of blogs.) We could have had coffee; but I realize you were probably jamming with architects, etc. Please contact me next time, schedule permitting.

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