COMMUNITY: Bah, Humbug?


Below is a link to my outline for a lecture I’m giving today at Merida English Library, around 12:30. 

   COMMUNITY • Bah, humbug?

As a video size-limit here prevents me from embedding a portion of today’s event (and, oddly, I’m also unable to upload it to Youtube)  anyone who might care to ponder the issues addressed is invited to contact me. There is about 23 minutes of good quality digits available for viewing. 

After some discussion the group in attendance said it would be useful to attempt another meeting specifically focused on addressing the needs and perils of growing Merida English Library. Interested parties can be in touch thru this blog. We will also attempt to reach out to the membership for participation. I guess this constitutes the initial formation of an ad hoc library committee. Please sign up if you care about the survival of this important institution. Additional discussions will address specific improvements rather than metaphysical approaches.


2 thoughts on “COMMUNITY: Bah, Humbug?

  1. Eric, we had every intention of attending your talk last Saturday, but I somehow thought it started at 12, right after Debi’s presentation. We had plans to be elsewhere a little before 1pm, so we didn’t want to have to walk out of your talk half way through. Here’s hoping you will repeat it another time.


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