This film is uplifting, while also deeply saddening — that such an angry intemperate partisan corporatist has just been appointed to the highest court. (During his job interview he blasted Democratic Senators — making it apparent that petitioners from the left were unlikely to get a fair hearing.) The court has now lost all credibility and impartiality. Justice is not 5:4. Below I’ve saved some balanced insights from highly qualified authors from right and left. < < < begin pastes > > >
Jesuits withdraw Kavanaugh nomination (K had gone to a Jesuit prep school)
Dean of Yale Law says Kavanaugh unfit to serve on court ; says “there will be hell to pay.”
Conservative Max Boot says “Before Donald Trump, the Republican Party was a majority conservative party with a white nationalist fringe. Now it’s a white nationalist party with a conservative fringe.” Boot’s views on Kavanaugh are revealing about this trend – excerpt from interview mentioning his new book.

An excellent book describing the high crimes of the court, by a former clerk to a federal judge. (I’ve donated this book to the collection at Merida English Library.) NB: there are many one-star reviews. One commenter observers that ” The statistical probability that this review was written by a troll is extremely high.” (There was a spate of short, one-star reviews within a three day period.)