from Wikimedia Commons, photo © Tomascastelazo.com
Many Americans apparently have an unbalanced zeal for guns — loving them more than our own children. While there is great passion asserted by some against “murder of unborn children” via abortion, there is little regard for reasonable constraint of gun ownership by many of these same folks. This is a minority position, but many elected leaders are cowards before them, when it comes to defending the right to life of students — instead, favoring the “liberty” of gun owners — to the point of not even requiring safe storage, in some states.
This begs the question “What is liberty?” Should a 15-year old be given a handgun? Should they be allowed to have a gun or drive the family car, without insurance, licensing and testing?
Ask your elected leaders why they are defending their own jobs, but not defending America! These politicians are afraid to attempt the slightest regulation of guns because the NRA worries that any sort of additional gun control is a slippery slope — even tho’ the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution calls for a “well regulated militia” of gun ownership. FREEDOM ENTAILS OBEDIENCE TO MORAL LAW. STOP THESE ELECTED COWARDS! Here are their names, bleeding red.
And what can be said about the moral idiocy and poor taste of this elected official, who posed his family with his armory, four days after a school was shot up, killing four students? Obviously his view is “not my family; not my district.” Shameless! (Have you let his type push your “freedom buttons” at the poles?)