Politico dot com  “Fair Use”
Jabba said to Han Solo (from translated subscript):
But if you fail me again, I’ll put a price on your head so big you won’t be able to get near a civilized system.”  <end quote>

Alito lied regarding his findings on abortion, in Dobbs, according to Sabrina Haake: Alito’s sleight of hand used selective misrepresentations of ancient common law history to overturn 50 years of Constitutional protection for reproductive choice. He determined that legal abortion did not exist at common law, despite his own passages detailing how “abortion was a crime after ‘quickening’ (around 25 weeks) throughout common law. Pages 16 through 28 of Alito’s own opinion  describe how abortion was legal up to 25 weeks, for centuries, so when Alito said there was no abortion throughout centuries of common law, he was lying to reach his preferred outcome.

