I was taught to be a good scout, leaving the campsite better than we found it. It perplexes me that many friends and neighbors, especially those terming themselves Christian, are in such deep denial about “climate change”. Yes, change is a constant — but when we blithely persist in contributing to dangerous change – risky behavior – while denying its reality, or accepting any personal responsibility whatsoever, we become a thorny part of the problem rather than seeking a solution. The First Rule of Holes is to stop digging, said the late journalist from Texas, Molly Ivins.
FULL DISCLOSURE : I was born into a wealthy society, into a nation which is one of the largest polluters on the planet, and I have some habits common to this social group, such as driving a car, and buying stuff. I’m an addict who has tried to minimize my habit, mostly failing. But I recognize that humans are a social species; and when we work together we can do great things. Yet the deniers among us don’t want to fix this polluting habit. They don’t want to work together. They seem to prefer division, and selfishness. Like so many addicts who refuse to confess, they say hands off ! Don’t take my “dope”! Don’t tax me to heal my choking, life-threatening problem. We got no problem. It’s all FAKE!
Well, curb your dogma before it bites you, or someone you love! Two states, Texas and Florida, are famous for electing officials who refuse most efforts to address pollution problems that such deniers say don’t exist. Yet citizens of these states expect 100’s of billions of dollars in handouts to bail them out of disasters resulting from their own negative mindsets. Now, a problem can’t be solved until it is recognized and defined. Such groups need tough love, not handouts. (Indeed, such groups often use this same argument against making social welfare handouts.)
¿ Ah, but disaster is different ? No, we reap what we sow. Pollute the atmosphere — reap the whirlwind. Suffering Job learned this lesson the hard way, insisting that he had been a good boy. Well, goodboy theology won’t cut it. This evil problem can’t be solved by continuing to pollute God’s creation. We become the problem when we argue for more permissiveness, libertine lifestyles in which we are allowed to pollute to our hearts’ content, more “freedom” from paying the costs of selfishness. Self-justification stinks. Wake up and smell the stench of this arrogance, America! We all need to look into the sacred mirror to learn what Job learned, which is only the beginning. (I encourage you to keep reading by clicking the next chapter, chapter 41; and 42 – they’re short.)
If you, dear reader, are truly interested in learning, I invite you to examine the climate in a humble fashion, scientifically – “learnedness” is not required, but humility is a huge help. First let’s notice this: when air (our atmosphere) gets warmer, it holds more water – lot’s more, so that a “500-year flood” might happen every five years, or sooner! Not fake! There are examples! – see below.
Hungry to learn? Let me link you to a book review jointly written by a paleo-climatologist (somebody who studies evidence left by ancient weather events) and by another climate scientist.
Together we can leave Planet Earth a better place to camp. All together now : I am a carbon addict. I need my neighbor’s help (and I need to help my neighbor, who is also a carbon addict) to break this evil addiction, so together we can save our community.
No, I’m not blaming the victim ; we all need to wake up. Thanks for sharing my blog, and/or the link to the book review.
It’s strange to me that persons who deny global warming or its new name of climate change can’t see the light. There is something happening with the weather across the world. How does one deny it? I guess if one is convinced regardless of the evidence. At the very least, we should be better stewards of the Earth. Someone might say, “Well, India and China don’t cooperate with cleaning up the climate problems.” What does that have to do with our behavior? Nothing. We can operate with the motive of improving the conditions driving weather. We can be an example to others who are misbehaving.
It’s very short; please read to the end . . .
(Here’s a link to a photocopy of the original:)
The Arctic seems to be warming up. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers who sail the seas about Spitzbergen and the eastern Arctic, all point to a radical change in climatic conditions, and hitherto un-heard-of high temperatures in that part of the earth’s surface.
. . .
The oceanographic observations have, however, been even more interesting. The conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice has never before been noted. The expedition all but established a record, sailing as far north its 81deg 29min in ice-free water. This is the farthest north ever reached with modern oceanographic apparatus.
. . .
[N]ote the unusually warm summer in Arctic Norway and the observations of Capt. Martin Ingebrigtsen, who has sailed the eastern Arctic for 54 years past. He says that he first noted warmer conditions in 1915, that since that time it has steadily gotten warmer, and that to-day the Arctic of that region is not recognizable as the same region of 1865 to 1917. Many old landmarks are so changed as to be unrecognizable. Where formerly great masses of ice were found there are now often moraines, accumulations of earth and stones. At many points where glaciers formerly extended far ino the sea they have entirely disappeared.
Oh! — Did I mention? It’s from 1922.
This comes immediately under “By GEORGE NICOLAS IFFT.” in the original:
[Under date of October 10 1922 the American consul at Bergen Norway, submitted the following report to the State Department, Washington, D.C.]
Excellent comments, gentlemen, so all I have to add regarding Texas and Florida is, Karma is a harsh mistress.
Ron, let’s not forget Puerto Rico and Dominica. I’ve visited and enjoyed both islands twice. My heart (and contributions) have gone to both, along with another to Mexico City earthquake relief. (I’ve passed thru Mexico City twice – plane and bus – and was aghast at the vastness of housing and development.)
A blogger at RiaStoneBlog (in Merida) suggests a book by Thom Hartmann, LAST HOURS OF ANCIENT SUNLIGHT.
VATICAN divests from fossil fuels : https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/oct/03/catholic-church-to-make-record-divestment-from-fossil-fuels
GENERAL MOTORS signals the coming end of fossil fuels by announcing 20 new electric vehicles : https://www.wired.com/story/general-motors-electric-cars-plan-gm/