All magicians use distraction: Look, over there! Invaders! (Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, that armed bear, that loon with an extended-mag Glock who’s about to shoot up your place of worship, or your kid’s classroom, or your place of refreshment, or entertainment venue — who maybe can’t hold a driver license due to instability — but can easily buy military-grade assault weapons.) They call this “states’ rights”, but whatever happened to our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?
Ah, 2nd Amendment. Our elected officials prefer to defend their own jobs rather defending public lives by creating a federally-regulated system of checks on gunners’ “rights” to arm bears, crazy-angry bears. (¿ They can regulate, federally, whomever is allowed to fly a plane, but not who can buy an assault rifle?)
Yes, a congress of cowards. So, what about that phrase in the 2nd A? : a well-regulated militia. Apparently congress knows better than to poke a bear in its den, even if it will surely soon emerge again to ravage the nearest watering hole, or school, or church. Yes, cowards, on both sides of the aisle.
Of course, the feds need to control borders, just as they need to control planes, and toxins, and fires, and weapons.
I own a few long guns for sport. I spent four years defending this nation. I want our elected officials, many of whom have never served (other than themselves) to step up and defend the citizenry. Guys, you’re way late! You work for us. Get busy bringing federal regulation to this insanity. Be willing to lay down your careers for your neighbors! Greater love has no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends. ~Jesus
Photographer/designer Tom Keifer has done an eloquent job depicting the risks and costs of fleeing poverty — just as nearly all of our ancestors did – including President Trump’s first American ancestor, Friedrich Drumpf, who came to America in 1885, apparently to dodge the draft in Germany. (I have no idea what Mr Keifer’s views might be on assault weapons, or politics, but I admire his photographic work.)
GOOD policy, and effective, in Massachusetts. But fee is excessive. (Article too long, by half, so read first half):