CLICK : “ Greta and George” : “best short video of 2019”
Friends, I wouldn’t term myself “a survivalist” — and yet my genes, my DNA have flourished on this planet since near the beginning. (I’m grateful to my ancestors for their wise choices!) Yes, we’re all survivors – – – until we aren’t.
The video urges us to PROTECT, RESTORE, FUND . . . and
for people who defend nature
Thanks for sharing this link, sez Froggie !!!
EXCERPT : “The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me,” said the headline of a Guardian column that summed up the dynamic nicely. And we’ve fallen for it, spending far too much time worrying about our individual choices and too little demanding the political changes needed to make real progress against this existential threat.
SOURCE : https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/flying-guilt/index.html
QUOTE from George Monbiot, The Guardian (on the topic of protesting citizens being labeled extremists by police and governments) : In his Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr, subjected to smears very similar to those now directed against XR and other environmental groups, noted: “The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice?”
Good citizens cannot meekly accept the death of the living planet. If seeking to defend life on Earth defines us as extremists, we have no choice but to own the label. We are extremists for the extension of justice and the perpetuation of life.
SOURCE : https://tinyurl.com/syemb6s