Photo by Marco Derksen
I’m a big fan of refined travel literature. An item linked at one of the aggregators I visit daily has capture my attention. This woman can really write. The new magazine in which her article appears is comprised of women travel writers, described here.
We have some fierce jellyfish in Yucatan, too!
That is a Portuguese man o’ war, not a jelly fish. They are often confused.'_war
Hey Madero (“Woodworker”),
Many thanks for that correction. The article explains the difference, but it wasn’t clear to me which critter this one was. I sure wouldn’t want to meet either kind up close! ~eric.
Thanks for sharing this Eric. You are correct, she is a fabulous writer! And thanks for the VELA reference too. Hope to see you both in about a month! Safe journey.
I love the photo too!!!
Pat, we’re eager, but not quite ready. Soon! Hope your new digs are coming together. ~eric.