Fair use. Myth, from Plato’s Symposium, speech by Aristophanes.
Gazing into the sacred mirror,
Rearward, focused on the past,
examining lessons had,
We often struggle…
What’s the point of instant-replay?
He fumbled, dropped the ball —
watching again won’t change that day.
But wait! Can it change today…if
we win a lesson learned?
Greek myth says humans once were whole,
four legs, four arms, two faces, too,
but gods split them in half.
So now we look for…
who? Is my soulmate you?
I am one, and you are one, and one plus one is two.
But only One is real, says math. All else is fractions,
split, divided. The Whole is holy, wholey complete, entire,
One, which cannot be undone, divided:
Alone originally spel’t and said allone.
The beauty in the mirror looks back at you
to tell you, gently, true: You were always One:
Completely you.