by Rob Rogers, copyright Andrews McMeel Syndicate, 2019 (fair use)

by Mike Lukovich, copyright 2019, atc.com, (fair use)

by Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, ©2019, (fair use)
These cartoons remind me of a favorite childrens book: The Emperor’s New Clothes.

by JD Crowe, Alabama Media Group, (fair use)

I hear he wears his tie that long so it will cover up his open fly.
Just a theory.
Ron, This morning I added a new ‘toon based on your wry comment, and the freshly minted Articles of Impeachment.
Here’s a new twist : Trumpism is a cult, and a cult expert tells us that Trump was raised by an authoritarian father who grounded his son in Norman Vincent Peale’s church.
Steven Hassan (author)
First, a lot of people don’t know that Trump was raised by an authoritarian father in what I’d call a cultic church, where you’re taught to believe 100 percent in yourself, that magical things are going to happen, and that the only sin is doubting yourself.
Sean Illing (Vox reporter/interviewer)
Wait, what? A cultic church?
Steven Hassan
Yeah, Trump was part of Norman Vincent Peale’s church growing up. [You can read about that here.] Peale was an important figure in his life. He even presided over some of Trump’s marriages, I believe. But Peale preached a cultish prosperity gospel, where everything’s about how God is going to bless you with material rewards. It’s not about spirituality or Christ or anything like that. It’s all about turning self-confidence into a religion.
SOURCE : https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/12/13/20992370/trump-republican-party-cult-steven-hassan