I love these animated weather tools!  (Click the orange links to see current imagery.)   On Tuesday, October 6, we learned that Tropical Storm Delta, in the Caribbean Sea, had suddenly blown up into a category four hurricane in record time.  It came ashore near Puerto Morelos about 5:30 pm, local time as either a Cat 3 or Cat 2 storm (reports vary) , where a screenshot of landfall is visible below.  At the orange links there are pulldown menus, and many choices for viewing. You might want to bookmark the sites.  (Note: the remnant of TS Gamma is in the Gulf to the west of Yucatán, in the graphic above.)  

Here in Mérida, measured at our house, we’ve had nearly ten inches of rain between Friday and late Wednesday.  Wind has not yet been a factor, but had been forecast not to exceed 30mph this far inland (about forty-minute drive from the coast).  I doubt it exceeded 10 mph.  And the storm did not follow the predicted track, but instead, traced the northern border of Yucatan from east to west for most of the day,  so it now looks like it’s going to Texas, instead of Louisiana, to me.  (But NOAA has not yet re-charted a pathway.)

Most houses here in Centro adjoin, and are stone or block, so wind is less of an issue (aside from blowing trash, if winds get cranky).  And unlike blizzards, there’s no snow to shovel!  If water comes into the house, just push it out with a squeegee.  The soil is so well drained it will disappear quickly.  (Pasta tile floors don’t need carpets.)  

For daily forecasts I rely on, rather than “the weather channel” as twc is owned by a climate-change denier. Tonight’s forecast?  I predict it will be dark and humid <grin>.


Hurricane DELTA comes ashore. (same site: GOES East)



East-west track along north shore.

The readout of my rooftop weather station signals by wifi indoors.