When the Cosmic Mind speaks, pay attention. That now Famous Fly stayed there for two minutes while Pence was saying that there was no such thing as institutional racism. (see comment section.) Get the message — like stink on shugga !!! Mr Pence, this is no personal condemnation of you, Sir, but of the administration’s policies and practices and viewpoints.
Now, I ask you, dear Reader, was that fly sent by the Chinese Army? Was it a socialist? – a communist? – a liberal? Perhaps it was a divinely-sent Apostle Fly – an Angel Fly sent to deliver a message. Will we heed the Messenger? (Personally, I think America is paying close attention, and is well-able to read between the lines.)
Mike, No institutional racism? Here’s a quote from Nick Kristof regarding IRS practices which make your statement a howler:
We interrupt this column for a quiz question: What county in the United States has the highest rate of tax audits?
¶ The answer is Humphreys County in rural Mississippi, where three-quarters of the population is Black and more than one-third lives below the poverty line, according to ProPublica and Tax Notes. Tax collectors go after Humphreys County, where the median annual household income is $28,500, because the government targets audits on poor families using the earned-income tax credit, an antipoverty program, rather than on real estate tycoons who pay their daughters (that’s you, Ivanka!) questionable consulting fees to reduce taxes.
¶ The five counties with the highest audit rates in the United States, according to Tax Notes, are all predominately African-American counties in the South.
¶ Meanwhile, zillionaires claim enormous tax deductions for donating expensive art to their own private “museums” located on their own property.
source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/10/opinion/sunday/trump-taxes.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage