Photo by Thomas Wolf (user Gs970) via Wikimedia Commons.

The Greek word translated as idiot/fool (moros: see Matt5:21-26, on anger management) means someone who cares mostly about himself, having little or no interest in community beyond what they might extract. But Christians are instructed to pray for those having authority over us (1Tim2).  This is not an easy assignment when those in authority seem so foolish and selfish.

SO, how to go about praying for our enemies, as instructed by Jesus? He says “love them” — but how? What is love? (I’m certainly not pretending to love what Trumpty-Musky are doing to our democracy!) Here’s a troubling quote posted by Musk, which doesn’t sound like anything anyone in a democracy should ever do:

After a judge blocked a Trump executive order, Elon Musk shared a post with his more than 200 million followers on X that included the judge’s daughter’s name, photo and job, allegedly at the Department of Education.  [source]

Democracy is delicate and imperiled by such ugly behavior.  (If that judge’s daughter were your daughter, how would you feel?)  The “Founding Fathers” were educated, wealthy and elite. They “gave us a republic, if you can keep it” according to scientist/inventor Benjamin Franklin.  Yet today science and education are scorned by many Republicans.  

History repeats.  The Russian revolution had two factions seeking to overthrow the monarchy. Labor, called Mensheviks ; and Lenin’s “internationalists” which funded their organization by robbing banks. US Republicans have two factions seeking to “starve the beast” of government bureaucracy: Steve Bannon’s MAGA ; and Elon Musk’s billionaire’s club, deploying young hackers presently burrowing into Treasury, IRS, Medicare, Social Security, etc.  Guess who will win.  (Asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton said “…because that’s where the money is.”)

TOUGH LOVE from Republican voters is needed to arrest this impending disaster, yet few elected Republicans are willing to stand up to Musk/Trump, as they know they will be “primaried”.  They value their jobs and fear for their families if they resist.  Yet our military veterans risk their lives daily to defend our nation and our families ; however Republicans in congress cower, doing nothing to defend the Constitution. Jesus said “greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

If Republican voters don’t protest this takeover to their Republican officials our nation will surely descend into chaos.  Absent courageous officials, we have a veritable shituation in which democracy will die in a financial coup d’état perpetrated by billionaires. (Does anybody know what the penalty is for not filing a tax return?)  Letting Musk steal our tax dollars is intolerable!


King DonOLD II


“Grocery prices have skyrocketed. When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on day one.” (~DJT, Liar, Liar!).   FAIR USE: photo borrowed from Paul Krugman’s FREE Substack blog, of Feb.14, 2025.

Crowds should be throwing eggs at TrumptyDumpty and MuskOx !  But voters who put them in office deserve to be wearing the aroma of rotten eggs.  What chumps!  Q: How can you tell if those billionaire pols are lying?  A: You can see their lips moving!

In grade school (long ago) I was taught that the Dutch bought the island of Manhattan for $24 dollars-worth of “wampum” beads.  (From 1950’s to 2020’s, adjusting for inflation, maybe that’s $240 today.)  Elon MuskOx contributed over a quarter of a billion dollars to the Trump campaign, because John Roberts and The Supremes said “money is speech” and voters should have “free speech.”  RIP: One [person] / one vote!  Conclusion: Republicans sold our democracy on the cheap to a guy who has over $400 billion dollars, and chumpy voters bought that stink! 

EXTRA CREDIT:  Professor Timothy Snyder, today at his free substack THINKING ABOUT… examines the risk of hasty appeasement between Russia and Ukraine, by imagining “what if” the Chech Slavs had defended themselves against Hitler in 2938.





!!  Czar DON-the-CON, is NAKED   !!                    [book mention]


I’ve never been troubled by being thought a fool for Christ (Paul’s descriptor) — but Christianity itself can be downright embarrassing!  Less than a majority of US voters elected a violent sex-abuser and perpetual cheater, to our highest office. But a huge majority of those voters apparently claim to be Christians. So this contrarian, me, is now calling himself a born-again Socratic.  “Why?” you might ask. Have I traded Jesus for Socrates? No, I’m just ashamed. And I’m publicly rejecting the Biggest Heresy of all time, about Jesus, my Lord. 

It all got started by another emperor to settle a church fight (and he wasn’t even a Christian until he was on his death-bed decades later when he accepted Christ, in what might be seen as a superstitious bet). Emperor Constantine, in 325 A.D. , asserted that the Son was the Father of himself!  Like G.W.Bush, he told the bishops at the first Council of Nicaea that he, Constantine, was the decider.  Half of them said “Amen”!  And so it became “settled doctrine”. They had been arguing for years about whether Jesus was of the same substance as the Creator of the universe, or of similar substance as the Creator. (Thus entered into our idiom the phrase of “not making an iota of difference” – the battle centered on the spelling of two nearly identical words, one having an extra letter  called iota in Greek.) 

“Such a deal” said the bishops, realizing they would no longer risk being fed to the lions if they agreed with CONNIE that politics and religion could marry each other. Thus Christian “sharia” was born!  Suddenly Christian futures were highly valued; church-boy stock was up!  And any bishop, minister, pastor, or theologian who dared to disagree was suddenly potential CatChow, or maybe just out of a career. (They still teach this today to preachers in grad school and seminary: don’t touch the third rail of Jesus-as-God!)  Yeah, the Text says “I and my Father are one” — but ancient Greek had two words for “one”, while English struggles with just a single word for it.)

Well, Socrates spoke Greek; but like Jesus, neither of them wrote anything (that we know of). And nobody has yet declared Sok’ to be God in the flesh.  Both men had divine connections, to be sure.  But Jesus, it is little noticed, said “He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me” (John 12:44). And Socrates often commented on his “divine sign” which guided him to avoid going forward at certain points — which brings us to the point of this blogpost: a new book, OPEN SOCRATES: The Case for a Philosophical Life, by Professor Agnes Callard, of University of Chicago. (I’m awaiting arrival of my hardcover copy, after reading the free Kindle sample, which you might also examine and enjoy.)

Hold it to your ear, and listen. You will hear we are on the wrong path.

Photo by MeridaGOround

My prediction for tonight’s inauguration —

The Bannon-Musk battle is likely to be electric, unless Trump derails their throw-down via clever scheduling!  I hope TEAM RED are prepared to witness MAGA get plowed under by BigMoney tonight, and over the next few years.  History repeats.  

Maybe MAGA voters noticed (doubtful) what happened leading up to the Russian revolution:  the revolutionary workers opposed to the Tsarist “deep state” back then were the losers.  Those workers were essential to get the revolution rolling; but Lenin soon hired “professional” revolutionaries and had them rob banks to make their payroll, and foment his/their turn against the workers. Those “hires” were the guys who became the Bolsheviks — which then formed the Communist Party.  Hitler made a similar move, replacing his thuggish brown-shirted Hitler Youth “boy-scout” security apparatus with elite SS troops.  

Workers often tend to lose in a contest of muscle versus money.  MAGA can expect to see it happen again.  Musk and the billionaires will likely defeat Bannon / MAGA .  Enjoy the show, if you can stand it. (It’s a rerun which will end the same.)  Sadly, the middle-class taxpayers will be the big initial losers.  Trump will extend his tax cuts to his rich buddies in BigCapital, and the real workers (those who still have adequate jobs with a living wage) will foot the bill. But then society as a whole will eventually choke.  Institutions are the skeleton of our society. A starvation diet will digest that support system, sapping its strength, leaching value from the whole, into gated communities. Ronnie Raygun told a cruel joke: “I’m from the gov’t and I’m here to help.”  We need government more than we need billionaires! Civilization withers when citizens stop communicating and cooperating.  We are a social species, by nature!  (Curtis Yarvin and Bronze Age Pervert not-withstanding.) 



Fair use. Myth, from Plato’s Symposium, speech by Aristophanes.



Gazing into the sacred mirror, 

Rearward, focused on the past, 

examining lessons had,

We often struggle…


What’s the point of instant-replay? 

He fumbled, dropped the ball — 

watching again won’t change that day. 

But wait!  Can it change today…if

we win a lesson learned?


Greek myth says humans once were whole,  

four legs, four arms, two faces, too,

but gods split them in half.

So now we look for…

who?  Is my soulmate you?


I am one, and you are one, and one plus one is two. 

But only One is real, says math. All else is fractions, 

split, divided. The Whole is holy, wholey complete, entire, 

One, which cannot be undone, divided: 

Alone originally spel’t and said allone.


The beauty in the mirror looks back at you

to tell you, gently, true:  You were always One:

Completely you. 






Geo-politics:  E PLURIBUS UNUM > “from many, one” appears on the Great Seal of The United States.  At the moment there does not seem to be much oneness (unity) in evidence anywhere in USA, or across the globe. Nearly half of American voters pardoned DJT for attempting to crash Congress so he could remain in office and stay out of jail!  And on our currency it says “In God We Trust”. Really?

Emeritus law professor Jay Dratler comments on this lack of unity currently (“Now or Never”  04 December 2024), offering a “what-if” observation:

Can politics (many-ness) “sit down together” to become one? Well, religion and politics have much in common. Spinoza got kicked out of synagogue by Amersterdam’s chief rabbi for daring to question the concept of “chosen-ness” which he seems to have perceived as precocious-ness, instead.  “Off with his head!” said the rabbi, further stipulating that no Jew was to speak with him, ever, not even his brother, who was his business partner — no room to “sit down together to solve” anything in that edict!
The central tenet of Jewish religion, the Christian religion, and the American sense of “chosen-ness” — (“a city set on a hill; an experiment in the wilderness” etc) — seem stuck in a ditch, presently.  So, allow me to attempt to unpack and re-translate what I perceive as a sticking point — found originally in Deuteronomy 6:4 —  (here’s my attempt, as Jacob’s new name, Israel, variously means “God-wrestler” or “God is in charge” — a pregnant reminder for us to stop quibbling, and focus! :  Listen up, you who say that God is in charge:  I AM is God, [ultimate good]; I AM is ONE.   This One-Thing concept is key to solving our messes.  Presently I’m proof-reading a lengthy piece of writing for a friend, naturalist Jim Conrad, a Nature Study Meditation, in which he considers One Thing. (I think he’s onto something vital.)  I’m also re-reading an excellent book, SOCRATES: A Life Examined, by philosophy professor Luis E. Navia. (You could read the free Kindle sample on your laptop.)


Quote:  “The EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) just published “Hottest May on record spurs call for climate action”, including data on daily global temp increases over the past 3.5 yrs, compared with the 1991-2020 baseline, and here’s the summary: the global temp has increased 0.214 degC on ave. annually over the baseline, so at this rate we could see 2 degC by 2027, and 3 degC by 2032. The Economist magazine published “What 3 degC of global warming looks like” 2 yrs. ago on youtube. Check it out, as that appears to be what we’re headed for by 2032. God help the children.”  SOURCE.

Here in Mérida, we’re accustomed to the heat, mostly, after more than a decade.  But this past summer was different.  So we decided to add a clima unit to our media room.  We’ve avoided using air conditioning (clima) for most of our time here, relying on fans, and a generous breeze across our site, and thru our house. (Buffalonians know what cold feels like; Texans know what grid failure feels like; Meridanos don’t need additional heat stress.)  So we bought a Carrier 18k btu from Costco, which we use rarely, but is able to cool other parts of the home, as needed, via “spill-over”.

And then we looked into securing our energy source by adding a battery back-up system for our solar array. The earlier SMA SunnyBoy inverter had served us well since 2017, but a new inverter was required for storing solar energy overnight, covering possible grid failures. So we sought help from a French solar engineer, Luc D’azemar, of Solarlapsmid, who had earned high marks from friends.  Our new 6000w system worked seamlessly, during one brief power outage from CFE; and we are very happy with Luc’s support.  His tech located and replaced a fried connector on our rooftop array which was being detected as an anomaly by the new inverter. (see photo below).  Now, if the grid goes down, we can still power the house, as long as the sun continues to shine.


Paul, of Hammockman blog, and Marc, of An Alaskan in Yucatan.  February 2012, Sisal MX

My wife and I first learned of Merida from watching a food show.  I began researching the city, and encountered Hammockman blog from someone who would soon become a dear friend.  We came to Merida on vacation for three weeks in 2009, staying at a B&B near the bullring.  Paul walked from his home on c.61 to greet us.  A rich friendship ensued. (I had begun blogging a few years earlier, at yahoo, which later “vaporized” my digits when Microsoft bought it; and at Travelblog — see entries for hat making in Becal, Campeche; and at Ballenberg, Switzerland.)


“Three amigos” weekly coffee @ Flor de Maya, Sanitago Plaza, Merida

I met Marc at a bloggers conference in 2010.  The three of us began meeting weekly for coffee. A fourth friend, blogging at captured our attention from further afield. Jim Conrad is a modern-day Thoreau whom I’ve written about in these pages, here, and here, etc. Paul’s wife Susan, “graduated” earlier this year. And overnight, he moved on, too. My life has been enriched for knowing them.

L-R: Jim Conrad of, Hammockman, son Isaac. Nov 2010, Piste MX.


Paul and Susan, Sisal, Nov.2011


Goodbye friends. ¡Vayan bien!

An Indigenous poem Paul sent me shortly before departing:

For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet
by Joy Harjo  (Fair Use)

Put down that bag of potato chips, that white bread, that bottle of pop.
Turn off that cellphone, computer, and remote control.

Open the door, then close it behind you.

Take a breath offered by friendly winds. They travel the earth gathering essences of plants to clean.

Give it back with gratitude.

If you sing it will give your spirit lift to fly to the stars’ ears and back.

Acknowledge this earth who has cared for you since you were a dream planting itself precisely within your parents’ desire.

Let your moccasin feet take you to the encampment of the guardians who have known you before time, who will be there after time. They sit before the fire that has been there without time.

Let the earth stabilize your postcolonial insecure jitters.

Be respectful of the small insects, birds and animal people who accompany you.
Ask their forgiveness for the harm we humans have brought down upon them.

Don’t worry.
The heart knows the way though there may be high-rises, interstates, checkpoints, armed soldiers, massacres, wars, and those who will despise you because they despise themselves.

The journey might take you a few hours, a day, a year, a few years, a hundred, a thousand or even more.

Watch your mind. Without training it might run away and leave your heart for the immense human feast set by the thieves of time.

Do not hold regrets.

When you find your way to the circle, to the fire kept burning by the keepers of your soul, you will be welcomed.

You must clean yourself with cedar, sage, or other healing plant.

Cut the ties you have to failure and shame.

Let go the pain you are holding in your mind, your shoulders, your heart, all the way to your feet. Let go the pain of your ancestors to make way for those who are heading in our direction.

Ask for forgiveness.

Call upon the help of those who love you. These helpers take many forms: animal, element, bird, angel, saint, stone, or ancestor.

Call your spirit back. It may be caught in corners and creases of shame, judgment, and human abuse.

You must call in a way that your spirit will want to return.

Speak to it as you would to a beloved child.

Welcome your spirit back from its wandering. It may return in pieces, in tatters. Gather them together. They will be happy to be found after being lost for so long.

Your spirit will need to sleep awhile after it is bathed and given clean clothes.

Now you can have a party. Invite everyone you know who loves and supports you. Keep room for those who have no place else to go.

Make a giveaway, and remember, keep the speeches short.

Then, you must do this: help the next person find their way through the dark.

Reprinted from Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings by Joy Harjo. Copyright © 2015 by Joy Harjo.  Used with permission of the publisher, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.







Periodic Table, from Wikipedia

After prayers and quiet listening, my first thoughts this morning tumbled out with this:


SHE wants to continue running her Kosmic Experiment of natural selection.  WE are causing/contributing-to a Sixth Extinction (according to Elizabeth Kolbert), and could be on the cusp of a global meltdown, due to our abuses of carbon energy, and of our waging of perpetual warfare (with potentially life-altering nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons).

SCIENCE begins with attempts at defining any given problem.  Yes, it’s guess-work.  And better guesses eliminate feebler guesses.  But the human element is not on the Periodic Table! Yet it can’t be ignored.  The problem is US! We are a part of Nature, and our desires are shaping HER options.  (SHE is not sweating; but perhaps we should be.)  So, what’s our next “best guess”?  Who are WE as a species?  What is our DESTINY?  What is our DUTY?  Do we have a CHOICE?  What do we really desire? 

Heraclitus said  ‘he who does not expect the unexpected will not detect it: for him it will be  undetectable, and unapproachable.’   (~Karl Popper, quoted in Conjectures and Refutations, Routledge paperback, p.198).